
Zero-boilerplate authentication for nuxt 3 with support for many strategies (oauth, credentials, ...) and providers (google, azure, ...). Additionally supports session manipulation, client- and server-side protection and more.
🔐 nuxt-auth
is a feature-packed, open-source authentication module for Nuxt 3 applications. Starting with v0.6nuxt-auth
also supports static Nuxt applications
Quick Start
npm i -D @sidebase/nuxt-auth
Then visit the Quick Start documentation to setup the module for <= v0.5 - the current stable version.
Visit the Quick Start documentation to setup the module for >= v0.6 - the "future" experimental version with support for static Nuxt 3 apps and the local
is a library with the goal of supporting authentication for any universal Nuxt 3 application. At the moment two providers are supported:
- Auth.js / NextAuth.js to offer the reliability & convenience of a 12k star library to the nuxt 3 ecosystem with a native developer experience (DX)
for static pages that rely on an external backend with a credential flow for authentication.local
is supported starting with v0.6 of the module
Features of the authjs
-provider of nuxt-auth
- ✔️ Authentication providers:
- ✔️ OAuth (e.g., Github, Google, Twitter, Azure, ...)
- ✔️ Custom OAuth (write it yourself)
- ✔️ Credentials (password + username)
- ✔️ Email Magic URLs
- ✔️ Isomorphic / Universal Auth Composable
supports:- actions:
- getters:
- full typescript support for all methods and property
- actions:
- ✔️ Application-side middleware protection
- ✔️ Server-side middleware and endpoint protection
- ✔️ Advanced features for session life-cycle management:
- Refresh the session periodically
- Refresh the session on tab-refocus
- One time session fetch on page load, afterwards for specific actions (e.g., on navigation)
- 🚧 Session broadcasting between tabs (see #70)
- ✔️ Persistent sessions across requests
- ✔️ REST API:
GET /signin
,POST /signin/:provider
,GET/POST /callback/:provider
,GET /signout
,POST /signout
,GET /session
,GET /csrf
,GET /providers
You can find a feature-table of all starting with v0.6 in the nuxt-auth "next"-version-docs.
Demo Page
Visit the nuxt-auth
demo page here:
You can find the demo source-code here.
This project uses pnpm
for development.
- Run
pnpm dev:prepare
to generate type stubs. - Use
pnpm dev
to start the module playground in development mode. - Run
pnpm lint
to run eslint - Run
pnpm typecheck
to run typescheck via tsc - Run
pnpm publish --access public
to publish (bump version before)
Module Playground
This module also has it's own playground:
> git clone
> cd nuxt-auth
# **OPEN THE `~/playground/server/api/auth/[...].ts` and configure your own auth-provider
> pnpm i
> pnpm dev:prepare
> pnpm dev
# -> open http://localhost:3000
Testing different Providers
We have one playground per provider:
How to test static Nuxt 3 apps?
To test static Nuxt 3 apps we want to run a static frontend and a separate backend that will take over authentication:
: AddbaseURL: 'http://localhost:3001'
to theauth
-config- Start the static frontend:
cd playground-local pnpm generate pnpm start
- Start the authentication backend (we use a second instance of the same nuxt3 app):
cd playground-local pnpm dev # A seconds Nuxt app should now be running on http://localhost:3001. We use this purely for authentication
- Visit http://localhost:3000 -> this should open the static application. Performing any auth-related actions, the app should send requests to the backend running on port