Nuxt module for Swiper.js - Most modern mobile touch slider with hardware accelerated transitions.

Swiper.js built for Nuxt 3
Fully featured Swiper.js module for Nuxt 3. Checkout Swiper.js for more information about how to use.
- 🚀 Nuxt 3 Support
- 📖 Open Source
- 🪄 Typescript Support
- ✨ Auto imports enabled
- ✨ Just works out of the box like magic ✨
StackBlitz Demo
Just want to try it out ? Checkout the demo below.
# npm
npm install nuxt-swiper
# yarn
yarn add nuxt-swiper
pnpm add nuxt-swiper
// nuxt.config.ts
import { defineNuxtModule } from 'nuxt'
export default defineNuxtConfig({
modules: ['nuxt-swiper']
swiper: {
// Swiper options
// prefix: 'Swiper',
// styleLang: 'css',
// modules: ['navigation', 'pagination'], // all modules are imported by default
Component Name | Auto Imported |
<Swiper /> | ✅ |
<SwiperSlide /> | ✅ |
Default Prefix: Swiper
You can change the prefix in the module options.
Module Name | Auto Imported |
SwiperA11y | ✅ |
SwiperAutoplay | ✅ |
SwiperController | ✅ |
SwiperEffectCreative | ✅ |
SwiperEffectCoverflow | ✅ |
SwiperEffectCube | ✅ |
SwiperEffectFade | ✅ |
SwiperEffectFlip | ✅ |
SwiperFreeMode | ✅ |
SwiperGrid | ✅ |
SwiperHashNavigation | ✅ |
SwiperHistory | ✅ |
SwiperKeyboard | ✅ |
SwiperLazy | ❌ - Taken out Swiper ^9.0.0 |
SwiperMousewheel | ✅ |
SwiperManipulation | ✅ |
SwiperNavigation | ✅ |
SwiperPagination | ✅ |
SwiperParallax | ✅ |
SwiperScrollbar | ✅ |
SwiperThumbs | ✅ |
SwiperVirtual | ✅ |
SwiperZoom | ✅ |
:modules="[SwiperAutoplay, SwiperEffectCreative]"
delay: 8000,
disableOnInteraction: true,
prev: {
shadow: false,
translate: ['-20%', 0, -1],
next: {
translate: ['100%', 0, 0],
<SwiperSlide v-for="slide in 10" :key="slide">
<strong>{{ slide }}</strong>
Module Options
type SwiperStyleLangType = 'css' | 'scss'
type SwiperModulesType =
| 'a11y'
| 'autoplay'
| 'controller'
| 'free-mode'
| 'grid'
| 'hash-navigation'
| 'history'
| 'keyboard'
| 'manipulation'
| 'mousewheel'
| 'navigation'
| 'pagination'
| 'parallax'
| 'scrollbar'
| 'thumbs'
| 'virtual'
| 'zoom'
| `effect-${SwiperInterface['effect']}`
export interface SwiperModuleOptions {
* The prefix to use for the Swiper Modules to import.
* This is useful for importing only the modules you need and
* avoiding importing the entire Swiper library.
* e.g. `${prefix}Autoplay` -> `SwiperAutoplay`
* @default 'Swiper' - import components from 'swiper/vue' by default
prefix?: string
* Which type of lang of styles to import
* @default 'css' - imports css from 'swiper/css' by default
styleLang?: SwiperStyleLangType
* Swiper modules to import
* '*' - imports all modules
* '['thumbs', 'lazy']' - imports only specified modules
* @default '*' - imports all modules by default
modules?: '*' | SwiperModulesType[]
export {}
💻 Development
- Clone this repository
- Enable Corepack using
corepack enable
- Install dependencies using
pnpm install --shamefully-hoist
- Open playground with
pnpm dev
➕ Contributing
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
- Fork the Project
- Create your Feature Branch (
git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
) - Commit your Changes (
git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
) - Push to the Branch (
git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
) - Open a Pull Request
is developed by @nolimits4web.
is developed by @cpreston321.
📜 License
MIT License © 2022 cpreston321
📧 Contact
cpreston321 - @cpreston321
Also, if you like my work, please feel free to buy me a coffee ☕️